"The ABCs of Building better boards"
with Jean Block
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AgendaSession 1: A is for Acquire
Get ready, get set, GO! This webinar will focus on the best practices in recruiting exceptional board members, getting new board members on the same page from the beginning. Sending a clear and consistent message about your expectations of Time, Talent and Treasure will reap great benefits. We’ll discuss recruitment tools, important forms, the effective nominating committee, creating a matrix before you recruit, and the importance of new board member orientation, bylaws and a board operating policy manual. Learning Objectives
Session 2: B is for Build and C is for Celebrate You Get What You Accept and What You Reward. Exceptional board members must be trained and must understand their critical roles and responsibilities so they are prepared to operate as individual parts of a cohesive board that is focused on results and mission. This session will discuss the basic roles and responsibilities of board members in 4 critical nonprofit management areas: governance, finance, human resources and planning. Keeping the board performance bar high is the best way to keep exceptional board members engaged and recruit new ones. Learning Objectives
Session 3:A Menu of FUNdraising Opportunities for Board Members OK, ever wonder why there isn’t a quorum at the next board meeting when you’ve asked board members to bring a list of people they will ask for money this year? It’s no wonder! Most board members dread the idea of fundraising, so this session will start with a discussion of why board members must set the example for others by giving and then getting. But there are so many other ways to support your organization and get involved in FUNdraising. Learning Objectives
You Will Learn
And You Will Get
All this for $55! |
Meet Jean! Jean Block President, Jean Block Consulting, Inc. Jean Block is a nationally recognized consultant and trainer in nonprofit management, board development, FUNdraising and social enterprise. She has more than 50 years of experience in the sector as both board and staff leader for local, regional and national nonprofits. Jean has written several books and manuals including “The Invisible Yellow Line: Clarifying Board and Staff Roles,” “FUNdraising! 180+ Great Ideas to Raise More Money,” “The ABCs of Building Better Boards” and others. Jean is a regular presenter at national conferences and workshops. Visit her web site (www.jblockinc.com) to learn more, download resources, and investigate her Trainer on Call webinar series. Questions about this training series? Fill out our contact form and we will get back to you quickly!